Tuesday, 22 September 2015

BrockU EDUC 3P00 - Foundations of Curriculum


I am thrilled to be part of another teaching team at Brock University for the 2015/2016 academic year. This year I am a teaching assistant for the undergraduate course: EDUC 3P00 Foundations of Curriculum.

Image screenshot from current EDUC3P00 Syllabus 2015
The course consists of two hours of lecture every week 

Photo by: Monica Taylor, Sept 18 2015 

& one hour of seminar every week

Photo by: Monica Taylor
In seminar, students are expected to prepare for seminars in the following way: 

Image screenshot from current EDUC3P00 Syllabus 2015
In this week's seminars, we are exploring the first two readings by visually representing their content. The students were asked to create a poster that included the most important and relevant information for the concept given. There are six groups (teams) in each seminar. The weekly reading was easily separated into six main concepts. The thoughts of both Parker Palmer and John Dewey on curriculum and educational philosophy made two teams. The educational philosophies essentialism, perenialism, progressivism, and reconstructivism made up the remaining four teams. Check out some of the final products below from Seminar 2 (Tuesday morning)! The groups had such interesting explanations for some of the visual metaphors and illustrations! 

Friday, 11 September 2015

An Educator's New Years Resolution!

Have you ever felt that wonderful, exciting, fresh, new feeling when the new school year starts in September? 

As an educator I often find that my yearly big rejuvenation moment happens at this time of the year when I begin my new journey as both an educator and student. I like to think that for educators, the first day of school in September feels more like the New Year than January 1st! 

Following a classic New Year's tradition, I have decided to make five New Year's resolutions for the upcoming school year. I encourage you to think of some resolutions for the new school year. Or this may be a great time (half way through the year) to revisit the New Year's resolutions that you made in January and check in on your progress! 

Monica's 2015/2016 Resolutions

  1. Participate in an aspect of #edchat every day. Blogging, twitter, OSSEMOOC, pinterest, or writing content for Sakai or student websites. 
  2. Carry a bottle of water wherever I go! I am more likely to drink the right amount of water daily if I do not have to go get it when I am thirsty. 
  3. Respond to all e-mails and calls within 24 hours. 
  4. Take as many teaching opportunities as possible! 
  5. Work on my thesis research every day. Make at least one positive contribution to the project. 

What are your resolutions for this coming year? Please feel free to share in the comments below!